NOTICE: Locke Lane Construction will be starting construction on S. Correll Street on Monday the 17th of February for our South Upright Sewer Rehabilitation Project. During this project, sections of road will be restricted to local traffic only as they progress through each phase of construction.
* Phase 1 will consist of excavating the lower end of S. Correll Street from S. Chapel Street to E. Rice Street.
* Phase 2 will be crossing the intersection of S. Correll Street and E. Rice Street.
* Phase 3 will be from the intersection of E. Rice Street towards the Northern end of S. Correll Street.
Driveway and emergency access will be maintained throughout each phase of the project. All homeowners will be notified of the work.
Please see the attached overview which shows each phase of work along with expected start times and durations.
If you have any questions, please contact Town Hall at 704-857-2411.