
Purchasing for the Town of Landis

Purchasing for the Town of Landis is part of the Finance Department. Finance ensures that all purchases are in compliance with NC General Statutes and that the Town Policy is followed. Each department is responsible for completing purchase requisitions and for obtaining competitive bids when required. Finance processes the purchase requisition and supplies the departments with purchase orders.

Links & Information

Town of Landis Logo

Conducting Business with the Town

Potential suppliers who wish to do business with the Town are encouraged to complete and submit a Vendor Information Form. All suppliers conducting business with the Town are also required to submit a W-9 Form.

A completed vendor information form does not entitle a supplier to any particular solicitation. It is the potential bidder’s responsibility to periodically check for RFP opportunities.

Surplus Property

The Town disposes of surplus property for purchase by the general public through online auction at GovDeals. Surplus items are added as they become available throughout the year.

To use Govdeals, visit www.govdeals.com and search for “Town of Landis”, or you can go directly to the Town’s Auction Page.

NOTE: In order to bid on an item, you must register with GovDeals. Make sure you read the agreement stating Terms and Conditions. It is NOT necessary to register to check what is available.

Occasionally, the Town does not use or have a need any longer for surplus items. Pursuant to the NC General Statute 160A-280 (Conveyance of Property), the Town is authorized to transfer Town property to a governmental unit, sister city, nonprofit, or charter school. Notices will be posted according to law.