The Town of Landis will hold a legislative public hearing regarding a Zoning Map Amendment (rezoning) of property owned by Town of Landis, being the owner of the certain land areas hereinafter described as Rowan County Tax Parcel ID 107 056 located at the end of W Taylor St from current designation of “Civic” (CIV) to a zoning designation of “Single Family Residential-1: (SFR-1) in accordance with G.S. 160D-604(b).
The Mayor and Board of Aldermen invite you to attend the zoning hearing to share your comments on the proposed amendment to be held on January 13, 2024, at 6:00 PM or as early thereafter as the agenda progression allows, at the Landis Town Hall, 312 S. Main St, Landis, NC 28088.
Hearing Impaired persons requiring assistance should contact the Town Clerk (704) 857-2411 at least 24 hours prior to the hearing to request special accommodations.