Sewer Back-up
If you experience sewer backing up in your shower or bathtub, please call 704-857-2411 option. If you call after hours, our answering service will get the message to the appropriate person.
Sewer lines can get clogged with too much toilet paper, grease, and oil. They can also be penetrated by tree and shrubbery roots. Sewer department employees work to make sure our sewer mains flow free. When you call, we will check the main line for back-ups and clear the line. As the resident, you are responsible for unclogging the sewer service line (line that runs from the main to your house). Periodic replacement of the service line may be necessary and must be completed by a licensed utility contractor.
Sewer Clean-outs
Sewer clean outs are the resident’s responsibility. It is a town violation to leave the cap off and let sewage out or rainwater into the service line. By maintaining your lines and clean-out, you help the town provide better consistent service.