Audit & Budgeting

Town of Landis Audit & Budgeting

As required by NC General Statute 159 Article 3, each year the Town Manager prepares and submits to the Board of Aldermen a balanced budget. The budget ordinance must be adopted prior to June 30th for the fiscal year beginning July 1–June 30. The ordinance outlines revenues and planned spending for the year, sets the tax rate, establishes other rates and fees for the year, and defines amendment authority and requirements.

As required by NC General Statute 159-34, the Town of Landis has an independent audit performed for each fiscal year. A copy of that report is then submitted to the Secretary of the Local Government Commission. The Town of Landis did not have any significant findings reported on the most recent audit.


FY24 Audit Report

FY24 Audit

FY23 Audit Report